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查看 wangqiang2022bixu8 的更多文章wangqiang2022bixu82022-04-24【小妙招】36人已围观


  Every effort you make now will lead to a happy journey I hope what you finally have will illuminate your whole life


  On sunny days, blow your smile and kindness into your face and take away the darkness


  It is the farthest thing in the world when you can't help but become friends and dare not fall in love


  The girl who always fights, even though she is beautiful, has become a person who says nothing, even if she is right


  Those who took an oath yesterday will become redundant today Love is so unpredictable Many separations are unexpected, and you will never see each other again until you can say goodbye correctly It is not time that is ruthless, but the impermanence of human heart


  You have a pair of beautiful eyes, which are only suitable for accepting me


  Unfortunately, we still didn't love to the end


  I like the single cycle, and when I fall in love with someone, I will forgive again and again, but when I hear enough of the song, I will break it, make people tired of love, and put it away and be modest again
